The Haute List: Headband Party

by - March 09, 2017

Happy Thursday, everyone! It's almost the weekend, which means it's time to squeeze in those last fashionable moments in public before locking ourselves in our rooms to Netflix and Chill (with a bag of Cheetos) all day Saturday and Sunday. 

I rarely discuss beauty trends on here, but I'm excited about this one! I have a prediction that headbands will gain popularity in the next few months. I last predicted the rise of the newsboy cap here, and have since seen them everywhere in the blogosphere. So I'm hopeful that I'll be equally correct about this whole headband thing. Just saying, I love me a great Blair Waldorf vibe! 

Shop some beautiful (and splurge-worthy) headbands below.

Thanks for stopping by!


Main image originally found here

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  1. Thanks for sharing!


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