Pajama Party

by - January 13, 2016

 For quite some time, I've been lusting over the pajama-inspired trend, but I haven't been brave enough to try it. I think it's because I didn't own any pajama pieces that could easily work during the day and not get me crazy looks from other people! Luckily, I spotted these pajama pants at Target the other day, and I just knew I had to incorporate them into an everyday look. I must say, I am in love with this look, and it couldn't be more comfortable!

 Pajama Pants: Target,  Sweater: Coldwater Creek,  Scarf: Target,  Hat: Forever 21
Heels: DSW,  Clutch: Target,  Sunglasses: Target



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  1. I NEED a pair of these. I've been looking for a loop hole into wearing pajamas to work for the last 5 year haha. I didn't know I could find these are Target though! I'll definitely have to try a pair on.

    Great post! You look so pretty in these pics.

    Cup of Charisma

    1. Thank you so much! I still can't believe these pants are from Target. They're so chic!

  2. Amazing pants! gorgeous!


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