Holiday Gift Guides

by - December 04, 2015

Hello, everyone! I hope you all had an amazing and stylish Thanksgiving. Now that turkey day is officially over, its finally acceptable to start the Christmas obsession! I absolutely love everything about the holiday season, but sometimes it can be intimidating to find the perfect gifts for my fellow fashionistas. I'm a big fan of surprising my friends with adorable clothing and accessories, but it's not always easy to do so with a limited budget. That's why I've created four separate gift guides to help you find the perfect gift whether your budget is on the smaller size or if you're able to really splurge. Happy shopping!

Under $10

 Under $25

Under $50

Under $75

Thanks for reading!

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  1. These are great gift ideas <3 I might just have to get the fox socks for myself!


  2. These are all great and so affordable!

    xo Nic Mora


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