Happy (belated) Blog Birthday to Me!
I realized the other day that it has been over a year since I started this blog. That's crazy! In a matter of one year, I went from a girl who checked fashion blogs on a daily basis for outfit inspiration, to actually starting my own and sharing my fashion ideas with the world.
I decided to look back at my old posts, starting from the very first one. Talk about embarrassing! When I first started out, I was living at home in Fresno, CA and had absolutely no one to take my pictures. I resorted to using a timer app on my iPhone and (totally not joking) used a ladder! Now, I'm lucky enough to be living in Southern California with my amazing boyfriend who gladly and excitedly takes my blog pictures for me. It's made a huge difference! Not only in the quality of the photos, but in the joy I feel from taking them with him.
My wish to all of you out there is that if you are dreaming of doing something while simply sitting on the sidelines, STOP! Get out there and do it. If a fashion-obsessed girl with a phone and some free time can start a fashion blog, the possibilities for you are endless!
Care to take a peek at my favorite looks starting at the very beginning?
Thank you for taking this journey with me <3
I absolutely love each and every one of your comments!